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"Dance.Pretend. Forget.Defend"

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Jairus Journal

Updated regularly by the band.

11:48 GMT Monday 24th May, 2004 by Dan

I forgot my password for these journals ages ago, and I never got round to asking Skippy what it was! Anyway, the journals are now gonna be regularly updated from now on. So, what's been going on with Jairus?

Well so far this month we haven't actually done anything, as Jay is in Australia doing all sorts of ungodly things no doubt, and on Wednesday I am off to New York for a week of chilling out! As soon as June hits we will be playing a few cool shows around the UK, so come and check us out, we haven't really played much in the UK since the end of November so it'd be nice to see some familiar faces at shows!

The album seems to be selling really well also, so thanks a lot to everyone who's bought a copy of it.

That's all for now, I am going outside to catch some sun!

Take it easy everyone, Dan.

PS. Listen to Shai Hulud.

13:14 GMT Sunday 22nd February, 2004 by Dan

Thanks to everyone who turned up on Friday night, sorry the set got cut short but that's the way it goes...For some reason my guitar decided it wasn't even going to stay in tune for ONE song, so again I apologise. I hope everyone who bought the album is enjoying listening to it, please let us know any feedback you have.

I'd also, like to thank our good friend Neil for standing in on guitar whilst Jay was on holiday...

Next week we will be playing some shows with our awesome friends in November Coming Fire and we've just had a great week of playing shows with our new buddies Shaped By Fate and Dignity Dies First. Check both bands out!

Anyway, that's all for now. Check out our shows page and come see us this week!

Dan X

I never wanted a clam-chowder steak...
16:11 GMT Tuesday 3rd February, 2004 by Dan

Not even two days to go now until we board a big, scary plane to Latvia. Apparently it's 'fucking cold' there. But anyway, just enough time for one last journal entry before I start packing bags etc...

I have to work tomorrow 3-7 and then straight to Jay's for a rehearsal...finish that about 11pm then we're gonna leave for the airport straight away and get some sleep at the Terminal for a while! Hopefully everything will go smoothly, although saying that we are Jairus...so NOTHING will go smoothly I'm sure! I'll try and do some updating if I can find an Internet Cafe in Latvia or at Heathrow airport...

We are well excited about this...AND going to Latvia! haha...

See you guys soon!

The winds of change...
14:58 GMT Friday 30th January, 2004 by Dan

Well I have to say it's great to see our message board calm down a little. Seems like there's some decent posts on there now and no more abuse.

This year looks to be very exciting for Jairus, we have many tours planned and other little surprises up our sleeves! So, just keep looking on the websites for constant updates from us...

I would like to thank everybody for their support over the last couple of years, it means a lot.

Take it easy, and listen to HOT SNAKES.

No subject this time, fuck it....
23:51 GMT Saturday 24th January, 2004 by Dan

Message board: ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. This board reflects Jairus, go on there and talk about films, music or whatever you think is cool but DO NOT continue this childish behaviour. It is an absolute embarassment to every member of this band, and an embarassment to Skippy and all of the cool people who come on here to use the forum as it's supposed to be used. End of topic.

On a lighter note (MUCH lighter)...Jairus have (finally) started reherasing and writing again since we got back from France/Spain in December. Thing's are shaping up very nicely at the moment and we have lots of cool stuff going on this year (various tours, a new website and of course THAT GOD-FORSAKEN ALBUM FROM HELL!)... I hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Year, we look forward to seeing you guys at our shows this year, please keep checking out the websites for constant updates.

PS. The album is FINALLY at the pressing plant!!!

Take care, Dan Lucas.

Happy Xmas!
14:01 GMT Thursday 25th December, 2003 by Dan

Just a quick message from me to wish everybody a wonderful Christmas...Beth, Marcus, Skippy and Veronique, John Peach, Matt and Chris B, Matt Canning, Courtesy Blush, Beecher, Secondsmile, Jacques, Neil, Brillo and Chris, Tim, Jordan, Glen, Leif, Leo, Cubic Space Division, Russell, Eden Maine, Rob from Days In December, Dan Evans, Alex (Deliverance), Deluge, Fordirelifesake, Steve (La Rochelle!), November Coming Fire, Ben, Dan, Gaz DC!, John Hammond, Danny Allen, my buddy Brian from I SHOT THEM, Christian and of course Jay, Ricky, Adam and Symon. Sorry if I forgot anybody on here! This a is a list of many of the special people I've met through being in Jairus or growing up in the Folkestone area! I hope veryone is enjoying today, see you all in the New Year!!! - Dan Lucas.

Marshall Head For Sale!!!
17:06 GMT Monday 15th December, 2003 by Dan

I am selling my guitar head, basically I fancy a change, that's it. There's nothing wrong with the head at all...It's a Marshall 6100LM 35th Anniversary. It's 100watts but the power it gives out is actually about 160watts. I recently had ALL the valves (Power-Amp and Pre-Amp) replaced with custom tested Harma Vales. (Basically they were put on a machine to increase the level of gain). The head has been slightly over-biased also to give it a bigger sound (if you under-bias it the valves last a tiny bit longer but it doesn't quite sound as good!). It's MIDI compatible which means if you have a rack FX unit you can change the channels on the head using your rack foot controller, rather than having to tap-dance with pedals! The head has different modes on it, so you can get the retro sounds of old Marshall heads from it also and it even has switches that you can press to suit the kind of pickups your guitar has. There are different power settings also, you can use 4 Valves at 100w (full power), 4 Valves at 50w, 2 Valves at 50w or 2 Valves at 25w...There is a Low Volume Compensation button. There is so much about this head I could go on for ages. It has THREE channels: CLEAN, CRUNCH and LEAD. Each channel has it's own seperate EQ and volume (LOADS!)...and then there is an overall MASTER VOLUME for the head. It even has Jim Marshalls signature on the front. There's not many of these heads around as it's a 35th Anniversary (1997). The head is in IMMACULATE condition like it's just come from the factory and also has a custom made steel flightcase...Usually anything Marshall made after 1990 was pretty awful, I'm not a big Marshall fan at all, besides the JCM 800 which I fucking LOVE! Anyway, the Anniversary series are not like regular Marshalls as they are a special edition head and great care is taken over the production of them...the sound of this head is HUGE, the ULTIMATE head for any style of music. Ideally I'd love to keep it as I had to phone around no less than 15 places to get it! But I simply don't use all the thing's on it and I require a different sound. £600, or £550 without flightcase... Cheers! Dan. E-mail twotownsaway@hotmail.com if you're interested.

16:05 GMT Monday 15th December, 2003 by Dan

If you wanna know about our tour you'll have to subscribe to the newsletter. And you've got about 5 seconds to do so because I'm mailing it out NOW!!

The ballad of the broken string....
15:37 GMT Monday 3rd November, 2003 by Dan

Jesus it's about 6 weeks since I made an entry in these journals. Things have been very busy...

Looks like MAYBE the CD will be mixed and mastered by Thursday evening. Which involves me driving it to Wales on Thursday...nice. No stereo in my car either, wow. I don't really have much to say today. Just letting you know that we are still here and things will start moving again very shortly, I promise you that! Our website is being re-vamped and will look amazing!

Hope everyone is enjoying themselves and embracing the winter with open arms! Take it easy, Dan.

Saturday night fevers...
19:05 GMT Saturday 27th September, 2003 by Dan

Saturday night: Ricky is swanning around Rome at an amazing festival with bands playing such as MUM! Jay is at a party in London (yuppie style!), Adam is no doubt hanging out with Symon in their quiet, eerie little part of suburbia and I am sitting here on the net, enjoying a cup of coffee whilst listening to Tori Amos and keeping you lot entertained once more. Maybe I will go out tonight, but I think a Radox bath is in order first though (to relax aching muscles and unwind tired minds).

The vocals are now finished! We begin mixing at the end of next week (ish) which is when we will also put the samples over the songs. I think a lot of you will be surprised by what you hear, but I've described the new stuff about a million times so I'm not doing it again! You will have to wait...Soon we will take down the three songs that you can download from our site and replace them with a song from the album. Also, there will be some brand new photos on the website of us recording the album, rehearsing and hanging out...rather than just live photos all the time.

That is all for now, keep on checking for sexy new entries!

Oh yeah, I was SO impressed by Aconite Thrill last night...If you haven't seen them then check them out now!

Trash....me and you!!!
00:23 GMT Sunday 21st September, 2003 by Dan

Holy fuck!!! My car got broken into outside Ben's flat on Thursday night. The little bleeda's smashed the back window with a rock and took my silver case with about £200 worth of leads/pedals/valves in it. Plus £50 that I had hidden in an envelope with my debit card (yeah I know that was stupid). Anyway, the police were rude and unhelpful as I expected. Seems like when somebody does something that's stupid they tell other people and everyone they tell automatically forgets that THEY have EVER done anything stupid, which is shit! On a lighter note, Adam is the BEST vocalist in the world!! Along with Robert Smith, Roger Waters, Chris Martin etc...So far we now have 5 songs completely finished! I cannot describe this any longer because it is beyond my words...you guys will just have to wait! I hope everyone has enjoyed this summer and please remember to be at Stripes on 26th to see Escucha! (my other band), Secondsmile (MMMMmmmmmmmmm), Prospect (wow!) and Aconite Thrill (the tightest band I have ever seen!)...Keep reading these journals for all the HOT HOT news!!!!

I'm all out of subjects to type in here...
10:34 GMT Monday 15th September, 2003 by Dan

Ok, it's 10:23am and I have to go to work in a minute and I have a stomach ache...I have been really healthy over the last few days so I think this is part of the de-toxify process, as least I'm hoping it is...

Cos my mum does Indian Head Massage etc and she reckons that when she does that on people they always feel worse before they get better because all the toxins have to come out, so they end up feeling ill, whether it's getting flu symptoms/stomach, what have you.

So besides feeling a bit shite I am cool and waiting patiently for Weds to come so Adam can start recording his vocals. Yes, all of the music is finished now, completos. Here's bit of a breakdown on what's going on:

Drums - these are sounding lot bigger and more powerful than the last CD, really nice and clear too...Expect lots of 'Symon' fills and double bass hahaha...

Guitars - the guitars are sounding jangly, it's great! It's that kind of guitar where you can hear ALL the notes, ferocious! Expect less 'emo' chords and more artistic approaches to playing, especially from Jay!

Bass - Certainly sounding a lot clearer than on the last CD, expect: DELAY! And ambience...

There's some wicked bits on this CD, it's kind of like a huge soundscape...that's all I'm telling.

Some songs you should check out:

SAMIAM - Mud Hill
NAIAD - Hopeful Progress
COURTESY BLUSH - An Afternoon With A Heart Shaped Balloon
SHAI HULUD - Set Your Body Ablaze
MONEEN - Half Empty, Half Full
THE SMITHS - There Is A Light That Never Goes Out

Peace out X

Album fun...
15:25 GMT Friday 5th September, 2003 by Dan

It just occured to me how weird this recording process has been...Every time we've recorded before, all the band members have been there together the whole time. Whereas with this album we've all been in the studio at different times doing our bits...Symon and Adam only know what it sounds like with the drums and guide track! Me and Ricky only know what it sounds like with the drums and my distorted guitar, and Jay knows what it sounds like with the drums, distorted guitars (mine and his) and his clean guitars! From what I've heard so far, this CD is certainly sounding a lot less metal and also a lot less emo than previous efforts...I decided with my guitar parts to quit playing all the higher (emo) notes in the chords, so they're more straight forward. It's certainly sounding less weedy I think, more energetic and to the point! (I like you, you're a bit punky!)...Plus, we've got a lot more going on now with samples, organ parts, delays on guitar and bass. So the guitars are simpler so as not to 'overcrowd'...This is the plan for next week then:

On Monday I will get to the studio for 4:00pm with Ricky...I will record all my clean guitar parts. Then Ricky will start on his bass parts and will hopefully be finished by Tuesday. On Wednesday and Thursday Adam will do his vocals, and also maybe Friday. I will do the organ parts on Friday and Symon will also do the samples...then we're done for next week! After that we just gotta mix n' master...Keep reading this goddam journal if you wanna keep up to date and be cool...

Take it easy, Dan...I'm only pretty in resistance...

Recording is going great...
11:35 GMT Thursday 28th August, 2003 by Dan

Right....Drum tracks are ALL done for nine songs, plus the little atmospheric percussion bits. We were in the studio until 2:30am on Monday finishing bits off! So yesterday I started work on my guitar tracks, they sound really trashy/dirty and energetic. We don't want that typical big metal sound like we usually have...hopefully I will finish my guitar parts off tonight. I think Jairus are gonna be a bit secretive about this album and not tell you too much, if you wanna know what it sounds like you will have to wait I'm afraid!

Drum tracks:
10:43 GMT Friday 22nd August, 2003 by Dan

We have now completed the drum tracks for 7 songs so 2 more to go! Symon's new snare drum sounds amazing, the kit sound is so powerful! Even though we've only recorded the drums so far it's easy to tell that this recording is so energetic! We're gonna leave it tonight as I'm down to work and I need the money...So on Monday we will finish the drums and then start work on the guitars on Tues...

The first day of recording...
23:57 GMT Monday 18th August, 2003 by Dan

So today we started work on our album! We spent all of today concentrating on the drum sound, and I have to say it sounds AMAZING! So energetic, clear and powerful! Tomorrow will be the first day of recording, we will get straight into the studio and start laying down Symons drum tracks..watch this space...

Dirty Video Shopping...
20:45 GMT Friday 15th August, 2003 by Dan

Okay I'm gonna tell you about where I work:

I work in a video rental store, and until you've worked face to face with the general public you have NO IDEA how many fucking weirdos there are out there. You will realise this to an even larger extent when you work in a shop that also rents pornographic videos. I will tell you about some of my 'customers'. Some of these guys are unbelievable. They come in and start down by the window where the New Releases are and you KNOW, you just KNOW they are gonna end up in the corner browsing over 'Neil Down - Sex Therapist', or maybe 'Porno Houswives'...or if they are feeling particulary randy you may catch them looking at 'A Midsummer Nights Cream'...but only on rare occassions.

All budding sex-pests follow these instructions:

Once you have chosen your 'entertainment' for the evening you must walk over to the counter and say "Alright mate" in a VERY over-confident manner to the amused shop assistant, right from halfway across the shop...this is, of course, to hide the fact that you feel damn dirty and you're embarrased that you don't have a girlfriend, you're aged between 30 - 50 and still living at home AND you KNOW that I KNOW that the reason you're buying that video is so you can jerk off!

Pretty much every guy watches porn, it's a thing that guys do, which is fine. I guess it's renting it that I find weird, and they're always a certain type (see above). So that's my insight into 'dirty video shoppers' in the Folkestone area...there are LOADS of them. Who knows maybe some of them will go on to be Ted Bundy type characters, as some of these guys rent four vids at a time, every day!

So let me tell you about something else. We go in to record our album, starting on Monday (18th) and we cannot wait! This will be the final tracklisting, in NO particular order:

Ara Pacis
Abandons The Exterior Look
Sidewalk Dances
And Caligula Blushed
Lucco Sleeps On Screen
Cut The Six Minute Caller
Street Lights Point The Way

This is so exciting for us, we are recording our first album! Woohooo!!! But you will all have to wait months to get one! Besides that, our new batch of shirts have been ordered and are available in sports grey or olive green...we will also have stickers and badges VERY soon!

This emergency broadcast is over...

Courtesy Blush...
01:48 GMT Saturday 9th August, 2003 by Dan

Hey dudes...I've just got home from rehearsal and we have FINISHED writing for our album! All nine songs are completed, so next week we shall be tightening them up and making any small changes and then we're going in to record on Monday 18th August. I cannot wait to hear it! We have some amazing ideas involving Piano/Organ and lots of experimenting also. We're gonna be spending a long time getting this album to sound just right, the new songs capture a much more mature sounding Jairus. Anyway, on to other things...

You HAVE to check out this band called Courtesy Blush from Canada...they are kind of indie/emo/hardcore...SO dynamic and SO beautiful...they have these intimate melodies and then gut wrenching screams. http://courtesyblush.cjb.net click that link and then click BLUSH in the top left corner and you will go to their amazing website. Then go to MEDIA and SOUNDS and download a song called An Afternoon With A Heart Shaped Balloon. Hopefully you will like it, I'm gonna try and get them over to the UK if I can.

Go rent a film called The Laramie Project. It's based on a true story of what happened in a town called Laramie in Wyoming about 5 years ago. Basically, a kid of 21 was beaten to death for being gay...this film is made to look like a documentary, interviews from the townspeople about what happened etc...they are actors but they are quoting what the real townspeople said when the film was being made. It's one of those films like Bowling For Columbine that really makes you think. Anyway, check it out. I am off to bed now, hope everyone has a great weekend.

Lots of love, Dan.

13:50 GMT Tuesday 5th August, 2003 by Dan

Hi everyone, just a quick post to say you should check out the film ADAPTATION. I saw it in Barcelona and it's fucking well good! It was released yesterday on video so go check it out! For everyone on our mailing list, I will send the most amazing mail out soon, I promise!
Take care, have a nice day, there will be more posts soon...Dan.

TFI Friday...Last and Next....
12:41 GMT Monday 21st July, 2003 by Dan

First of all thankyou to everyone who came to the show on Friday @ Stripes...it was one of our favourite shows so far, thanks a lot to everyone for shouting out and busting those moves! It only just occured to me that this Friday night we're leaving for our European tour, the whole thing will be documented on video and I will be keeping some sort of tour diary which you'll be able to read on this website, as this is our first foreign outing I figured it'd be cool to document it. Okay I have to go now, going to Pluckley with Beth to see some ghosts! Take care everyone and thanks again, Dan.

New Song...
23:14 GMT Wednesday 16th July, 2003 by Dan

Sleezy, seedy, jazzy, sexy, raunchy, dancy, pretty, pissed off, groovy....you will see...

"When I awoke I was on the highway..."
19:08 GMT Monday 14th July, 2003 by Dan

It is so hot today...Jesus...and I've been cooped up in that video shop all afternoon! I am still so tired from Saturday night...I'm at a point now where I virtually never sleep...I'm either rehearsing (three nights a week, one of which is drumming which is fucking tiring), working (every day), spending time with Beth or sitting up on the net all night trying to get this band somewhere.

I can't actually remember a point in my life when I was continously tired. This has all come about in the last few months really, with the tour/album and taking on another band...After this tour and the recording of the album I am taking a back seat, I really wanna go back to Barcelona with Beth and just have a break from everything. It'll be amazing to get up everyday and not have 1000 things on my mind...

I have a couple of days off this week so I'm gonna take that time to go and do some things that I haven't done for ages. Like, go out for walks (I always used to do that), maybe go visit the zoo and stuff...I also have an evening off tonight so I'm gonna sit in the garden and eat my dinner (it's really nice in summer to do that) then go for a walk through this sterile part of suburbia I live in! I've had enough of sitting in front a computer every evening having my energy sucked out of me...

So, I'm gonna go e-mail shirtworks about our t-shirts and then I'm offline for a couple of days.

Have a great week, Dan.

22:04 GMT Monday 7th July, 2003 by Adam

Good evening, thanks to everyone who came to the show in london last night thesupport you are giving us is verry much appreciated so thanks for all the kind words.Two things 1,if youre interested in the real world go and check out www.indymedia.com
2,go and check out this record HOWIE B ,FOLK thats it realy
goodnight love and mercy

The First Big Weekend...
20:20 GMT Monday 7th July, 2003 by Dan

(written in the third person)I think that when you're actually in the band, you always think that thing's are a lot worse than they actually are...maybe because it's YOUR band...That's the kind of frame of mind I was in last night, anyone who spoke to me after the show will have heard me say "We were fucking awful!"...and by our own standards we were, but I am really glad that people still thought we were cool...so I'd like to thank everyone for your kind words. Emotive Exposed were absoutely fucking amazing last night, really tight, really energetic and perfectly in tune!!! One of our flaws is that me and Ricky don't have tuners and we throw our guitars about so they'll constantly going out of tune! I am NOT convinced by Sperzel locking machineheads either, steer clear of them! So that's something we gotta sort out before tour...

Well Jairus are still having a great time writing the album, and playing shows, it's just great to see our friends and talk to cool people even if we play badly! So thanks to everyone who's supported us so far, it means an awful lot to us.

I am gonna go have a bath, I have three evenings with nothing to do, so I am gonna get my strength back and chill out!

Have a great week...Dan.

The First Big Weekend...
20:20 GMT Monday 7th July, 2003 by Dan

(written in the third person)I think that when you're actually in the band, you always think that thing's are a lot worse than they actually are...maybe because it's YOUR band...That's the kind of frame of mind I was in last night, anyone who spoke to me after the show will have heard me say "We were fucking awful!"...and by our own standards we were, but I am really glad that people still thought we were cool...so I'd like to thank everyone for your kind words. Emotive Exposed were absoutely fucking amazing last night, really tight, really energetic and perfectly in tune!!! One of our flaws is that me and Ricky don't have tuners and we throw our guitars about so they'll constantly going out of tune! I am NOT convinced by Sperzel locking machineheads either, steer clear of them! So that's something we gotta sort out before tour...

Well Jairus are still having a great time writing the album, and playing shows, it's just great to see our friends and talk to cool people even if we play badly! So thanks to everyone who's supported us so far, it means an awful lot to us.

I am gonna go have a bath, I have three evenings with nothing to do, so I am gonna get my strength back and chill out!

Have a great week...

22:16 GMT Monday 30th June, 2003 by Adam

Good evening everyone,if there is anyone here who whants to know how the machinery works how the dessicions are made or why there seem to be an increasing number of coincidences in our lives go and check out www.redthread.f2s.com
hopefuly ill see some of you at the tonbridge wells forum show this wednesaday,
goodnight love and mercy

Recording and stuff...
00:37 GMT Monday 30th June, 2003 by Dan

I can now announce that Jairus will start recording our album on August 18th for two weeks! We are recording again with our good friend Ben Phillips who recorded our recent promo CD (...Caligula etc). We've chosen to record with Ben because he knows exactly what kind of sound we want every time, it is such a cool atmosphere and we don't feel under pressure like in a studio! It's a really relaxed environment which is what we need, as we want this CD to be the best it can be. On other fronts in the world of Jairus; This UK tour is gonna be blinding! We're really pleased that Hondo Maclean are on tour with us as they are a great band and cool guys. The t-shirts have been sorted out, I have gotta get the all clear from Skippy and they will be here in ten days from then!

Looks like I'm getting on top of thing's finally! Woohoo....I wanna tour NOW!!!

Easy like Sunday morning...
12:14 GMT Sunday 29th June, 2003 by Dan

It's a beautiful day today...birds are singing, lawnmowers are humming, I can see no clouds in the sky...but I have to work...it's not os bad now though cos I'm allowed to put DVD's on behind the counter on the CCTV screen! So I have watched BOWLING FOR COLUMBINE about three times, 8 MILE four times, ORANGE COUNTY twice, and today I'm gonna watch CATCH ME IF YOU CAN...

Just found out that Hondo Maclean are our tour support for this UK jaunt in September, we're really pleased about that, they are really great guys and an amazing band too!

Other news is that our new song that we're currently working on (song no 8) is entitled Lucco Sleeps On Screen...I'm gonna quit dishing out info on how our songs are sounding now, and keep it as a surprise!

Well if you'renot working today, then go out and enjoy yourselves! Make the most of this beautiful weather! Dan.

01:17 GMT Thursday 26th June, 2003 by Adam

Good morning everyone i am planning to go to sleep tonight at some point i asurre you but i coulndt go without telling you to go check out the debut album by THE MARS VOLTA,DE LOUSED IN THE COMATORIUM.This is if you are not aware CEDRIC BIXLER and OMAR RODRIGUES formerly of AT THE DRIVE IN new more experimental band blending there influences both musically and litterary in to an exciting hibrid, sounds a little like KING CRIMSON in places but with a more spazzy post hardcore kind of feel for those of you who are growing bored with the current musicall climate go and check this record out.GOODNIGHT LOVE AND MERCY

23:56 GMT Wednesday 25th June, 2003 by Dan

Adam, you are right that film/documentary is fucking incredible...It does really make you think and is quite overwhelming at times. But I strongly suggest people check it out, there are some really messed up laws about.

22:41 GMT Sunday 22nd June, 2003 by Adam

Good evening people, id like to quickley say thank you to all the people who attended last nights show in ramsgate thank you for youre support a big thank you gos out to the guys from NEWMAINS for travelling all the way from worcester to play that show, there set was great and they were all really nice people, i managed to get hold of there cd I STAND WHERE I STAND,I LAY WHERE I FALL and it sounds awesome so if anyone is interested in hearing them or sorting them out some shows you can email the band at newmainsataol.com.Ive just finished reading this great book called TOUCHING FROM A DISTANCE IAN CURTISS AND JOY DIVISION and it has against my better judgement inspired me to post some thoughts on my own band.
After reading the message board i noticed a debate about hardcore music,to my mind hardcore is just as much a lifestyle option as it is music so in this sense JAIRUS are not a hardcore band to my knowledge we do not share the same ethics as other bands conected to the hardcore tag.I personally would not know what to class this band as other than the resultant effect of 5 people in a room trying to create something in wich we are all proud but i suppose most music with obvious exceptions is about that, hardcore is something that although i respect is not something i really relate to, but comparrisons are to be expected in any kind of music genre so this is something that should not be fought as it is a waste of time, after all it is only an opinion nothing more.To me this band is about the five of us writing the best music we can and shairing it with those who are interested ,that seems good enough for me, wether the album we release is hardcore or whatever i have no idea that task is left soley down to those who listen to it make up youre own mind if you like im glad ,if you dont thats ok , all that i hope is that whoever hears this album judges it on what it is not what it isnt good or bad the choice is left to you.
goodnight love and mercy

The Air On Railroads Is Making The Same Sounds...
10:11 GMT Saturday 21st June, 2003 by Dan

I HATE that goddam place where I work! My manager was rude to two of my friends yesterday (Tony Clifton and John Peach) just cos they came in to say hello....Does anyone know what the minimum wage is for someone of 20? Cos' I'm sure they're paying me less! Wow I forgot how amazing that song 'Love Really Hurts Without You' is by Billy Ocean! If only my stereo worked in my car I could burn round the circuit blasting out that song! I can't understand why people race around that circuit, for one thing there's only one lane, so no-one can overtake (Therefore whoever starts first, wins!)...the other thing is there's traffic lights halfway round the circuit! Well today is a beautiful day, and we have a show this eve, so we're gonna be bringing some rock n' roll to Ramsgate! Hahaha...So I guess I'll see some of you this eve...enjoy today...X Dan.

Adam: Do you know if we'll be seeing Tony Clifton tonight?

I also just noticed how many times I use the words 'okay' 'dude' 'right' 'so' 'hey' 'guys' 'man'.....I sound like an amercian high school chick when I type on here! You have to forgive some of the posts of mine on these journals pages, I'm just a very expressive person.

note books out dear plagarists
19:27 GMT Friday 20th June, 2003 by Adam

Good evening people had a bit of trouble getting on the net this last week because ive had to switch connections, just thought id tell you that writing for the album has been verry productive, pluss the new RADIOHEADalbum is fucking great a little more acssesible than KID A or AMNESIAC but none the for it.Hopefully should be seeing some of you at tommorows show at the compass club in ramsgate.
goodnight love and mercy

12:57 GMT Thursday 19th June, 2003 by Dan

So, last night we started work on song number 8! It's one of those 'Rhythmic' ones of ours! I have recieved a letter this morning, stating that I have a fine of £60 to pay for doing 69 MPH in a 50 zone, fuck! AND 3 points on my licence! So, when it says '50' on the motorway make sure you fucking do it! Or you will end up a sorry emo-boy like I am! My finances are in such a mess at the moment...But hopefully end of July I should be sorted...Okay, so what are my plans for today?: Well I gotta design a poster for my mum, then go look for a job where I'm working for my money and being paid a decent wage! Contrary to any speculation, working in a video store is NOT a huge earner! I'm gonna love you guys and leave you now, as I have stuff to do! Wanted to catch some sun but there ain't any! Have fun! Dan.

More songs:

Death Cab For Cutie - A Movie Script Ending
Blur - End Of A Century
Eels - Flower
Eels - Climbing To The Moon
Glasselevator - Aeroplanes (you have to get that off me on MSN!)
Hey Mercedes - Our Weekend Starts On Wednesday
Sleeping By The Riverside - Something To Say
Mum - Green Grass Of Tunnel
Mum - Now There's That Fear Again

Songs for y'all...
11:51 GMT Monday 16th June, 2003 by Dan

More songs that have been gracing my CD player lately:

Madness - Our House
The Smiths - Stop Me If You Think You've Heard This One Before
Sunny Day Real Estate - Seven
Sunny Day Real Estate - Guitar And Video Games
Pearl Jam - Long Road
Syd Barrett - Effervescing Elephant
Hopesfall - Dana Walker
Hopesfall - Dead In Magazines
Hopesfall - In Reflection
Hopesfall - Open Hands To The Wind
Poison The Well - Zombies Are Good For Your Health

Check some of these little beauties out!


"Say hello to your friends, Beverly!"
02:26 GMT Monday 16th June, 2003 by Dan

Hey guys, just a quick note to say that I'll be back online shortly with some cool updates, it's been a nightmare trying to get on the net lately but all is going great in the world of Jairus at the moment anyway! So we are all five happy young lads! More songs you should check out: Coming in the next update! Hahaha, have a fantastic week dudes!!!

18:00 GMT Monday 9th June, 2003 by Adam

Hi everyone if theres any PINK FLOYD fans out there, their is a new dvd out well actually its been out for a few months but thats ok,that concentrates on the groups early years with legendary guitar player SYD BARRET, this is a must for fans it has interveiws with his erstwile colleages in pink floyd old freinds and housemates as well as rare footage and prodution notes from his eccentrically brilliant solo albums ,so what are you waiting for.
goodnight love and mercy

"We've come for your daughter Chuck!"
18:20 GMT Sunday 8th June, 2003 by Dan

Hhhmm....I am online right now ordering a t-shirt with The Casket Lottery written on the front, finally a website that has merch for one of the best bands in the world! I am just gonna go over to our site to update the shows page! Check it out dudes!

17:55 GMT Sunday 8th June, 2003 by Adam

shhh dan, dont even say his name you dont whant his help.the only way to contact him is to say his name three times but i strongly suggest that you take care of this running thing youreself.
ps that song by u2 sucks
get closer by joy division

"Adam! Babs...."
17:13 GMT Sunday 8th June, 2003 by Dan

Adam, the list is on there to tell people to check those songs out because they may like them too! I think that the U2 song is fucking great! And the more songs on that list by The Cure, the better! Ha! We ALL know that the person who runs this band is Beetleguese...

21:23 GMT Friday 6th June, 2003 by Adam

I would like to thank the real manger of this band angello pappis and dear old morris for his insparation.Check out youre songlist dan how many cure sngs are on there ,nothing wrong with the cure but that fucking u2 song is the lamest song i have ever heard its not a beautiful day you fuckers go to hell.

18:35 GMT Friday 6th June, 2003 by Ricky

no dan thats all wrong. we all know that Chris Morris runs this band. Angelo Papis books the gigs. check out


and www.alexgrey.com

if you want....and heather says those lovely jairus fans can all come round for tea! just dont bad mouth Public Enemy around her....

Please don't eat all those daisies....
11:58 GMT Wednesday 4th June, 2003 by Dan

"The little one said 'Oh my goodness I must stay at home, and every time I hear a growl I'll know the tiger's on the prowl but I'll be really safe you know the elephant he told me so' and everyone was nervy oh yeah..."

So...our poor van (Ben) is still not fixed, it's sitting outside Jay's house with the exhaust hanging on the floor...Travelling about in cars sucks man! Well, since those amazing Hopesfall shows we haven't rehearsed yet. But we shall be rehearsing tonight my good friends, oh yes. We will be tightening up 'Cut The Six Minute Caller' and then moving on to start writing song number 8 for the album! Dude, I really cannot wait until we've written all the songs/samples, I wanna hear the whole thing!

Okay, so what else is new. Well I have a new job working in a video store which, to be honest is pretty shit! BUT, I need money to save for tour and the recording of our album. Plus, I need money to run my car and go out and have a good time! The cool thing is, I can walk there and I get paid weekly. I think I'm gonna use that whole "My job is as a musician, but I just work in this video shop in the meantime to fund it" thing. Well I guess running Jairus is like a full-time job. I'm on the net for about 6 hours some nights just e-mailing people, liasing with people, going into chatrooms to promote Jairus etc etc...it's tiring. But I love this! I have also spent a few hours downloading songs that I used to love when I was younger, forgot how great they were! Anyway, I am off now...gotta go to 'work' at the video store! Then rehearsal tonight...Take care guys, our site is still down but will be sorted shortly and there will be new shows added.

Some songs I love at the moment, check them out:

The Cure - Just Like Heaven
The Cure - Catch
The Cure - Friday I'm In Love
Suede - Trash
The Smiths - William, It Was Really Nothing
Howard Jones - Like To Get To Know You Well
Hum - Stars
King Crimson - Elephant Talk
The Casket Lottery - Code Red
The Casket Lottery - New Years Eve
U2 - Beautiful Day

damm it all to hell
20:38 GMT Saturday 31st May, 2003 by Adam

Hey everybody its saturday afternoon and im reeling in from the mass high of the two shows we played this week with sikth and hopesfall, two great band made up of really great people,ive waited a year and a half to see this band live ,so to share a stage with them was an absolute dream come true,you can imagine the come down though when you have to get up to go yon work after a couple of days like that.thought id tell you about a band called THE PHOTO BOOK STORIES witch feature members of noise core merchants UROTSUKIDOJI and PREVAIL ,wait a sec though dont expext to hear any loud as fuck guitars and harsh as fuck vocals, this is as melow as it gets and as lo fi asyoure gonna see on a local stage, the group have recorded a record called NIGHT AND HER TRAIN OF STARS im still waiting for a contact adress to give to you guys so keep whatching.this is a really cool record ful of delicate musicalities and intelligent lyrics a truly refreshing alternitave seeing as most bands from my area play only heavy music,james if youre reading this i whant my copy of this back.Thats it really guys as allways ill keep you posted.
goodday love and mercy

Hopesfall and Birthdays!
12:16 GMT Friday 30th May, 2003 by Dan

HAPPY BIRTHDAY SKIPPY FROM ALL OF JAIRUS!!! Hope you had a cool day! Shame we couldn't play a Birthday show for you! Anyway, we have now finished our two shows with Sikth and Hopesfall, both bands were amazing and really great guys. I have to say that playing with Hopesfall is a dream come true for Jairus as they are one of our inspirations, as far as hardcore bands go. It was so fucking great just hanging out with them, and the cool thing is they really liked us too so hopefully we'll hook up with those guys again at some point. We're kind of sad that those shows are over as we've been looking forward to them for so long, but we are SO excited about the future...we've only got two more songs to write for the album, then we'll go back over everything and tweak it...and then Ricky and Symon will do the samples...Cannot fucking wait! Other cool news is that we're lining up a tour of France/Spain in December with our great friends Secondsmile...look out for info on that! Take care guys, enjoy this beautiful weather we're having! Dan.

20:01 GMT Tuesday 27th May, 2003 by Adam

HI THERE i thought id just set things strait with this whole van on saturday night buissnes.Anyone whos knows jairus knows that before going to bed we enjoy milk and cookies,so what happened was we had some low fat milk and plain old cookies, anyone who knows james knows that he likes to dip his cookies in the milk, upon doing this however his glass exploded sending a shockwave through the van damaging the exhaust, so there you have it ,glad we cleared that up.Anyway i thought id tell you about this totaly killer version of joy divisions classic shes lost control that i heard the other day. the band covering the song were sworn in from britain who are producing some really cool sounds in an old school hardcore with brittish 80s new wave lyrical influences kind of way,although i must confess that im no fan of old school hardcore apart from dead kennydies, there is a whole lot more depth to sworn in than most other bands and seeing them live is an expeirience so intense it has to seen to be beleived, i have no idea where to get this cover but if you hear of it anywhere check it out coz its really fucking good.Before i forget if any of you get the chance check out this great movie called BOWLING FOR COLLLUMBINE,think if Bill Hicks had made a documentry about americas gun traffic and youll have the jist of it as Micheal Moore americas cheif wisstle blower gos in search of the facts relating to the absolute obsurdity of the amrican gun laws.This movie is funny and occasionly moving but most of all it will make you think which is as i see it what great art is all about.thats it really ive totally run out of thing to tell you so im off to listen to BOARDS OF CANNADA and sort out some stuff for these HOPESFULL shows if i hear or see anything that i think you should check out ill let you know
goodnight love and mercy

"Hey you've been to Saturn! I'VE been to Saturn! Whoah....sandworms....you hate 'em right? I HATE 'EM MYSELF!
20:05 GMT Sunday 25th May, 2003 by Dan

Okay...so, we're driving back down the M25 desperately trying to sleep but it is too cold...I mean fucking freezing as the van windows are open so that Ricky gets fresh air and doesn't fall asleep at the wheel! The open windows are pretty relevant in this story, you will see......We pull over at Clacket Lane (that old faithful!) for diesel, (we've noticed on this journey that we're using a hell of a lot of it)...well you wanna know why??? BECAUSE THERE IS A LEAK IN THE FUCKING TANK! God damn thing!!! Anyway, we carry on driving but I cannot sleep (it's very hard in the artic conditions!)...I swear there was a penguin running alongside the van at one point (or was that a halucination?)...I can smell diesel really strong but think nothing of it as Ricky has it on his hands...It's only when Jay says "Can you smell that? Why is the van so cloudy?" that we get up and turn on the lights. The van is FULL of fumes! We try to breathe through our t-shirts but Beth is feeling sick and has a headache from breathing them in. We pull over at the side of the motorway near Maidstone so that Beth can be sick, and we look under the van to see that the exhaust is hanging off and all the fumes are coming in through some holes where there were once speakers! You can literally SEE the fumes puring into the van so it's a good job those windows were open! (If you've forgotten about the windows, go back to the beggining you dumdass!)...We get back in the van and decide to chance it, seeing as the van doesn't have breakdown cover, so the windows stay open and we breathe though our t-shirts all the way home...besides Beetleguese, who has a towel wrapped round his head and mouth like an arab! Got to bed at 4:30am this morning! So on that note, our van is temporarily fucked, which means we'll be travelling up to the Hopesfall shows in our damn cars! I cannot believe we're playing those shows man! A dream come true! The show at TJ's (Newport) last night was great too, we were all tired by the time we hit the stage and we only played 5 songs but the set was ferocious and people seemed to enjoy it. Also, Days In December and Maker Her Cry were fucking incredible! Check those guys out! That is all for now, I am SO tired! Take care dudes, Dan.

23:01 GMT Friday 23rd May, 2003 by Adam

Hello there boys and girls i hope all is well in youre world,it certainly is in mine ,last nights rehersal was great and we finished cut the six minute caller all it needs now is for me and the guys to figure out some vocal patterns and its done, im verry proud of it,i have to agree with dan that this is gonna be one of the coolest songs to play live , a more diverse structure than anything weve written before.Tonight i was told by a freind that i have a ticket for the Brian Wilson show at the royal festival hall in london in febuarry of next year ,so im am on absolute cloud 9,i cant really get my head round it as Brian is such an insparation to me in more ways than just music, i never thought id get the chance to him live so for me this is a dream come true a chance to see a living legend and a personal hero.What makes this all the more speciall is that he will be playing the whole of the Smile album in its entirety for the first time ever on a live stage ,those of you familliar with his work should know this album is a bit of a legend as it is a masterpeice which remains unreleased even now and only of the songs have benn hinted at in other Wilson releases.Anyway guys thats it really sorry if i have bablled on a bit ill let you all know if i see or hear anything cool in the next week goodnight love and mercy.

Beetlejuice Beetlejuice Beetlejuice!!!
23:38 GMT Wednesday 21st May, 2003 by Dan

Guys.....WHAT A FUCKING SONG!!! I have just got home from rehearsal this evening and we started work on a new song called 'Cut The Six Minute Caller' and I have to say that from what we've written it is gonna be my NEW FAVOURITE SONG! Now, I've said that about every new song we write but this time there is NO COMPARISON!!! It is fucking chaotic as hell, beautiful and has a weird kind jazzy feel to the intro....but extremely noisy too!! I cannot wait to play this live! Hey man, this weather is pretty awful don't you think?! And the fact that it's MAY and you KNOW it SHOULD be sunny makes it even worse! Oh well....other news: There was a bit of confusion over the .HOPESFALL. show in Southend but it's all sorted now! Thought for a minute we weren't playing! Other news is that we may be doing some dates on a tour with Transgression from USA so that'll be wicked! Can't wait to meet and hang out with Hopesfall, a dream come true! Them and PTW in the space of 2 months! Okay well I'm off to bed....Ricky, you like my update???!! Hahahaha.....

00:26 GMT Tuesday 20th May, 2003 by Adam

Hello again its monday night and i cant get to sleep so i thought id let you know about another up and coming band.There from bridport the same town as second smile and they call themselves Prospect. i met one of the guys thom at oure yeoville show with sikth and murder one then while at ollys house he played me his cd,this is an absolute killer record with the fire and intensity of will haven with a bit of old man gloom for good measure, i should be getting a copy of this verry soon i hope so keep youre ears out i dont know what there putting in the water at bridport but what ever it is its giving us some really cool bands, so like i said keep whatch for this one or ill kill you. goodnight love and mercy

whats new on planet rock
14:47 GMT Monday 19th May, 2003 by Adam

hi there everybody,just thought id should tell you all that former members of botch have released an album with there new band minus the bear,this is deffinitely one for those of you who like indie influenced post hardcore with a real cool angular guitar sound,i cant wait to see this one live .thats it really see you all later.

art saves lives
14:08 GMT Saturday 17th May, 2003 by Adam

Last week while up in yeovil we had the pleasure of staying with Olliver Goodman of the wonderful Second Smile.While spending time with him and the guys we had this cool conversation about lyrics and poetry it was then that he showed me a collection of his work some of wich was written recently others that i think are unused second smile lyrics.I highly rate what second smile are doing as a band and as lyric writer myself i tend to concentrate heavilly on lyrics.ollivers lyrics are so powerful and honest that when he told me he had started up a site for his poetry i knew that i had to help in anyway i can because i trully beleive in his material,if there is anyone out there who takes an interest in lyrics and poetry you can check out his work at www.blueroomsandbluedrinks.cjb.net
where hopefully you will respond to his work with the same enthusiasm as i have .
Also any emo kids out there looking for a cool night out you would do worse than to attend THE NUMBER ONE DEFENDER SHOW AT THE CAMBDEN BARFLY ON THE 31ST OF MAY
Thats about it really hopefully ill get a chance to see you all at tjs in wales on saturday 24th of may,goodnihgt love and mercy.

The Weekend...
12:27 GMT Monday 12th May, 2003 by Dan

Monday morning, aching & tired from another fantastic weekend! Man it was really great, played a sold out show on Friday with Sikth and Murder one in Yeovil (which is fast becoming our home from home!), had to sign autographs (how weird?!) and met some cool people! Big thanks to Olly and Ross from Secondsmile for showing us around Bridders and for putting us up! And also to Lee 'Makehercry' for putting on yet another cool show! We had a cool time playing with our new band football and proving how unfit we all are too...Played another cool show yesterday in Cardiff with our friends in Eden Maine and Mahumodo (you should check these bands out if you haven't already)...Again, met some great people and played with some blinding bands! Thanks a lot to Alex for putting on the Cardiff show, a lot of respect goes out to you from all the bands. Oh yeah, we fucked up our new song a treat too! But there you go, if you don't play shit sometimes then you wouldn't know when to appreciate the good shows! Take it easy guys, I have our t-shirts designs here and they are incredible!!! Will be available soon!...Hey Skippy, I need to know if that mailing list is working! Then i will mail!

Sidewalk Dances!
12:53 GMT Thursday 8th May, 2003 by Dan

Sidewalk Dances is now finished! We finished it last night and it is amazing! Sounding like our most versatile song to date...so we'll be playing it at the two shows this weekend...Hey, go to www.poisonthewell.com and you can download two amazing new tracks from my favourite band in the world!

Pretty pics and general shite!
12:54 GMT Tuesday 6th May, 2003 by Dan

So there are now new Jairus pictures on our website (taken at various stages over the last 6 months) at various places across the country...Well, besides that most of Jairus have been ill over the last month or so and now it's my turn...I have had flu symptoms on and off for the last month but nothing major and then last Tuesday I was lying in bed shivereing all night and aching...Man I HATE that. Feeling cool now though, it's a beautiful day today so I'm gonna go sit in the sun in a minute and make myself better for the shows this weekend! Looks like our new song 'Sidewalk Dances' will be finished by Thursday evening, maybe we'll even play it this weekend! On another front; merch designs are now done and will be ready for the Hopesfall shows! (Hopefully, or should I say Hopesfally?) Woohoo....I'm outta here for now, keep checking the site for more news on our exciting European tour! Take care guys X Dan.

Latest Update:
13:25 GMT Saturday 26th April, 2003 by Dan

Hey dudes, how you all doing? Shit, you can't answer that...well I guess you could post something on the forum like "Hey Dan, I'm doing great" or "Shit, the world is coming to an end!"...Anyway, last night's show was pretty cool, not as many people as we'd hoped, and Jay was really ill before we went onstage but we played pretty well...Looks like we're gonna be re-writing Desks & Patterns though because we all think we can do a lot better! We're currently working on a new song called 'Sidewalk Dances' and I've a feeling it's gonna be my favourite song so far! It has come together so smoothly and quickly! Probably our fastest song also...On another front, we have officially been confirmed for the GOODLIFE FESTIVAL this summer in Belgium! This is fucking amazing news, can't believe we get to play with Shai Hulud! Check out the tours section on this site for more info and band lists. Looks like the summer is gonna be awesome for Jairus! We hope! Take it easy, have fun, Dan.

Off to see PTW tomorrow! Woohooo!!!!!

Poison The Well & Barcelona!!!
22:48 GMT Saturday 19th April, 2003 by Dan

I can not begin to describe how happy I am right now...I have just spent an amazing week in beautiful Barcelona AND met my favourite band in the world! Ryan from PTW dedicated Nerdy to me, Adam, Jay and Beth!!! I cannot believe it! We hung out with them and chatted for ages, they were the nicest guys in the world...The show was fucking amazing, Deluge were so fucking intense...Open Hand were amazing too!!! Man, you know when you really look up to someone and you're so worried about meeting them in case they let you down...Well Poison The Well exceeded all my expectations...that's all I can say. Deluge are such nice guys too, it's a pleasure to share a label with them...Thankyou so much to Skippy for putting us up (when you could!) and for organising the show...I'm pretty fucking tired now but I am SO inspired, expect some amazing stuff from Jairus soon guys...I miss my girlfriend though and I miss Barcelona and Skippy and co...I had such a fantastic time I can't describe it...Oh yeah, the 'pic of the week' is of Myself, Adam, Jay, Skippy, Beth and Deluge. Taken last Weds (16th) in Skippy's flat! That's all for now, I'm too excited to talk!

22:05 GMT Saturday 5th April, 2003 by Dan

WWWWOOOOOOWWWW!!!!! Last night was fantastic! Secondsmile destroyed everything in their path! Jahsoma were awesome! Cubic Space Divison were crushing! Mahumodo were unreal! We had such a great time last night, can't believe how many people were there too! We played the first half of Desks & Patterns, up until it goes heavy so if you wanna hear the whole song then come to The Lido on Friday or The Oasthouse on Sat! I'm in a great mood cos I've had such a cool weekend and I had a wonderful time today too...Take it easy guys, thanks so much to everyone who came last night!

21:41 GMT Saturday 5th April, 2003 by Dan

WWWOOOOOWWWW!!!!! Jesus! Last night was absolutely incredible!!! Secondsmile were the most intense band I've ever seen! Jahsoma were awesome! Cubic made you wanna punch someone! Mahumodo were crushing! Dudes, we had the time of our lives onstage! Looks like we're gonna be sorting out a tour with Secondsmile and our buds in Emotive Exposed so check out this crushing bill when it rolls into your town! More news on that as we have it...We opened with the melodic intro to Desk & Patterns last night but didn't play the whole song because it's not tight enough...Come to The Lido next Fri or The Oasthouse on Sat and you'll be treated to the WHOLE song! I'm in a great mood because of last night and finally getting to meet some of the guys I've spoken to online, everyone was great! I've had a really great time with my girlfriend today too so all is good! Have fun guys!!!

10:16 GMT Saturday 5th April, 2003 by Ricky

hello. just wanted to say how cool last night was. i think everyone i know was at that show. thank you all so much for your support. tear? see you soon. and get those beds buried.

Last Nights Show
20:27 GMT Monday 31st March, 2003 by Dan

Well guys...Last night's show was a strange one...My guitar went out of tune constantly, We couldn't hear anything on-stage AND hardly anyone turned up! Oh yeah, and the PA guys couldn't get Symon's triggers and sampler to come through the PA, so we played with an au naturel sound! Although the people who DID turn up thought we were cool, surprisingly! So, I don't know, maybe we weren't that bad after all. But after being stuck in London rush hour traffic, and then arriving at the venue to be constantly insulted by the sound engineers, we weren't in any fit state of mind to make judgement. Thanks very much to Keith for putting us on though, he was a great guy! We have rehearsal on Weds and Thurs so we're hoping that 'Desks & Patterns' will be ready for the show on Friday...That show is gonna be fantastic! That's all for now, hopefully see you there! Come and say hi!...One more thing, We've been confirmed for a two day festival in Denmark with Heaven Shall Burn! See shows page...

20:17 GMT Tuesday 25th March, 2003 by Jay

actually if your interested in the guitar leave me a message at my e-mail! drefus20@hotmail.com

hang on
20:16 GMT Tuesday 25th March, 2003 by Jay

guitar deal of a life time!
20:07 GMT Tuesday 25th March, 2003 by Jay

hey people iam now using this journal as an advertising space hehe! so... fender tele (mexican) black, brand new only played one show! £370 just leave a message if your interested!

Tasty Jairus Treats...
12:30 GMT Tuesday 25th March, 2003 by Dan

Whoah, I cannot believe that nearly 3000 people have downloaded our song! Well it's another beautiful day in England today, the sun is shining, the birds are singing etc etc...The new shows will be posted on our website either today or tomorrow so keep checking guys! I have an interview this afternoon for a job at a solicitors so I'm sitting here in a suit, feeling extremely out of place! This week Jairus will be rehearsing on Weds and Thurs night, and hopefully "Desks & Patterns" may even be finished by the show this Sunday! If you live anywhere near London then make sure you come down to The Camden Monarch...We're on first so be there early! That's all for now, I'm gonna chill out a bit before this interview! Have fun everyone...

17:25 GMT Sunday 23rd March, 2003 by Ricky

alright. thought id have a go on here.well yeah so me and jay went to see Interpol last night...well good...what a bass player....we went for a romantic walk afterwards JAY I LOVE YOU I WILL MISS YOU SO MUCH AT WORK TOMMORROW....:P anyway things seem to be going well.....lookin forward to the show in london on sunday...if anyone from direlifesake is reading i love 'sometimes like the tide'.innit.

hey got my password
16:35 GMT Friday 21st March, 2003 by Jay

hey skippy thank you for my password buddie! really looking forward to meeting up with you in barcalona and hanging out with ptw its gonna be a blast. Anyway take care peoples be good!

New Song!!!
22:28 GMT Thursday 20th March, 2003 by Dan

Hey guys, we've just finished rehearsal and it was pretty weird. We've spent the last two nights desperately trying to write stuff and came out with nothing, and then in the last hour tonight we've started work on a fucking amazing song! The intro is pretty long and it's really Avante Garde! People will be pretty surprised when they hear it, but the song still has the classic Jairus elements! It's currently titled "Desks & Patterns". Anyway, I gotta go, booked my flights for Barcelona this morning! Adam and Jay are coming too, it is gonna be AMAZING! Take it easy dudes.